Fork 0

Add Nftables syntax highlight from Pierre Larsson

This commit is contained in:
Иван Солнцев 2024-04-26 19:37:22 +03:00
parent 1f62c3ec46
commit 3be46a8de1
2 changed files with 255 additions and 0 deletions

syntax/nftables.vim Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: nftables
" Maintainer: Pierre Larsson <pierre.rj.larsson@gmail.com>
" Last Change: 2020 Nov 08
if exists('b:current_syntax')
syn match nftSynError contained "\S\+\ze\W"
syn keyword nftCommand add create flush delete rename list
syn keyword nftOperator eq ne lt gt le ge xor or and
syn match nftInclude "^\s*\zsinclude"
syn match nftDefine "^\s*\zsdefine" skipwhite nextgroup=nftIdentifier
syn match nftNumeric "\<\d\+\>"
syn match nftNumeric "\<0x[[:xdigit:]]\+\>"
syn match nftAddress "[[:xdigit:]:]\+:[[:xdigit:]:/]*"
syn match nftAddress "[[:digit:]]\+\.[[:digit:]./]*"
syn match nftIdentifier contained "[a-zA-Z_.][a-zA-Z0-9_/.-]*"
syn match nftVariable "[$@][a-zA-Z_.][a-zA-Z0-9_/.-]*"
syn region nftString oneline start=/"/ end=/"/
syn region nftComment oneline start="^\s*\zs#" end="$"
syn match nftInterface "\<en[os][[:digit:].]\+\>"
syn match nftInterface "\<enp\d\+s[[:digit:].]\+\>"
syn match nftInterface "\<eth[[:digit:].]\+\>"
syn keyword nftContainer table skipwhite nextgroup=nftTableFamily
syn keyword nftContainer chain skipwhite nextgroup=nftIdentifier
syn keyword nftContainer secmark skipwhite nextgroup=nftIdentifier
syn keyword nftContainer map skipwhite nextgroup=nftIdentifier
syn keyword nftContainer set skipwhite nextgroup=nftIdentifier
syn keyword nftHeader type skipwhite nextgroup=nftChainType,nftSetType
syn keyword nftHeader hook skipwhite nextgroup=nftChainHook
syn keyword nftHeader priority skipwhite nextgroup=nftChainPriority
syn keyword nftHeader policy skipwhite nextgroup=nftChainPolicy
syn keyword nftHeader protocol skipwhite nextgroup=nftProtocols
syn keyword nftHeader l3proto skipwhite nextgroup=nftTableFamily
syn keyword nftHeader device skipwhite nextgroup=nftInterface
syn keyword nftSetType contained ipv4_addr ipv6_addr ether_addr inet_proto inet_service mark
syn keyword nftChainType contained filter nat route
syn keyword nftChainHook contained input output forward prerouting postrouting ingress
syn keyword nftChainPolicy contained accept drop
syn keyword nftChainPriority contained raw mangle filter security srcnat dstnat out
syn keyword nftTableFamily contained ip ip6 inet arp bridge netdev skipwhite nextgroup=nftIdentifier
syn keyword nftReference vmap
syn keyword nftReference contained set map
" Protocols
syn keyword nftProtocols contained ah arp comp dccp esp ether icmp icmpv6 igmp ip ip6 sctp tcp th udp udplite vlan ipv4 ipv6
syn match nftRaw "@\(th\|nh\|ll\)\ze,"
syn keyword nftRaw th skipwhite nextgroup=nftAh,nftArp,nftComp,nftDccp,nftEsp,nftEther,nftIcmp,nftIcmpv6,nftIgmp,nftIp,nftIp6,nftSctp,nftTcp,nftUdp,nftUdplite,nftVlan
syn keyword nftProtocol ah skipwhite nextgroup=nftAh
syn keyword nftAh contained hdrlength reserved spi sequence skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference
syn keyword nftAh contained nexthdr nextgroup=nftReference,nftProtocols
syn keyword nftProtocol arp skipwhite nextgroup=nftArp
syn keyword nftArp contained htype ptype hlen plen operation skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference
syn match nftArp contained "\<[sd]addr \(ether\|ip\)\>" skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference
syn keyword nftProtocol comp skipwhite nextgroup=nftComp
syn keyword nftComp contained flags cpi skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference
syn keyword nftComp contained nexthdr skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference,nftProtocols
syn keyword nftProtocol dccp skipwhite nextgroup=nftDccp
syn keyword nftDccp contained sport dport skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference
syn keyword nftProtocol esp skipwhite nextgroup=nftEsp
syn keyword nftEsp contained spi sequence skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference
syn keyword nftProtocol ether skipwhite nextgroup=nftEther
syn keyword nftEther contained daddr saddr type skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference
syn keyword nftProtocol icmp skipwhite nextgroup=nftIcmp
syn keyword nftIcmp contained type code checksum id sequence gateway mtu skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference
syn keyword nftProtocol icmpv6 skipwhite nextgroup=nftIcmpv6
syn keyword nftIcmpv6 contained type code checksum parameter-problem packet-too-big id sequence max-delay skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference
syn keyword nftProtocol igmp skipwhite nextgroup=nftIgmp
syn keyword nftIgmp contained type mrt checksum group skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference
syn match nftProtocol "\<ip\>" skipwhite nextgroup=nftIp
syn keyword nftIp contained version hdrlength dscp ecn length id frag-off ttl checksum saddr daddr skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference
syn keyword nftIp contained protocol skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference,nftProtocols
syn keyword nftProtocol ip6 skipwhite nextgroup=nftIp6
syn keyword nftIp6 contained version dscp ecn flowlabel length hoplimit saddr daddr skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference
syn keyword nftIp6 contained nexthdr skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference,nftProtocols
syn keyword nftProtocol sctp skipwhite nextgroup=nftSctp
syn keyword nftSctp contained sport dport vtag checksum skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference
syn match nftProtocol "\<tcp\>" skipwhite nextgroup=nftTcp
syn keyword nftTcp contained sport dport sequence ackseq doff reserved flags window checksum urgptr skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference
syn keyword nftProtocol udp skipwhite nextgroup=nftUdp
syn keyword nftUdp contained sport dport length checksum skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference
syn keyword nftProtocol udplite skipwhite nextgroup=nftUdplite
syn keyword nftUdplite contained sport dport checksum skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference
syn keyword nftProtocol vlan skipwhite nextgroup=nftVlan
syn keyword nftVlan contained id cfi pcp type skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference
" Extensions
syn keyword nftExtension frag skipwhite nextgroup=nftFrag
syn keyword nftFrag contained nexthdr frag-off more-fragments id
syn keyword nftExtension dst skipwhite nextgroup=nftDst
syn keyword nftDst contained nexthdr hdrlength
syn keyword nftExtension hbh skipwhite nextgroup=nftHbh
syn keyword nftHbh contained nexthdr hdrlength
syn keyword nftExtension rt skipwhite nextgroup=nftRt
syn keyword nftRt contained nexthdr hdrlength type seg-left
syn keyword nftExtension mh skipwhite nextgroup=nftMh
syn keyword nftMh contained nexthdr hdrlength checksum type
syn keyword nftExtension srh skipwhite nextgroup=nftSrh
syn keyword nftSrh contained flags tag sid seg-left
syn match nftExtension "\<tcp\s\+option\>" skipwhite nextgroup=nftTcpOption
syn keyword nftTcpOption contained eol noop maxseg window sack-permitted sack sack0 sack1 sack2 sack3 timestamp
syn match nftExtension "\<ip\s\+option\>" skipwhite nextgroup=nftIpOption
syn keyword nftIpOption contained lsrr ra rr ssrr
syn keyword nftExtension exthdr skipwhite nextgroup=nftExthdr
syn keyword nftExthdr contained hbh frag rt dst mh
syn match nftExtension "\<ip\s\+option\>" skipwhite nextgroup=nftIpOption
syn keyword nftIpOption contained lsrr ra rr ssrr
" Functions
syn keyword nftFunction numgen skipwhite nextgroup=nftNumgen
syn keyword nftNumgen contained inc random
syn keyword nftFunction symhash jhash
syn keyword nftFunction fib skipwhite nextgroup=nftFib
syn keyword nftFib contained saddr daddr mark iif oif
syn match nftFunction /\<ct\>/ skipwhite nextgroup=nftConntackDir,nftConntack
syn match nftContainer /\<ct\s\+\(helper\|timeout\|expectation\)\>/ skipwhite nextgroup=nftIdentifier
syn match nftFunction /\<ct\s\+\(helper\|timeout\|expectation\)\s\+set\>/ contains=nftFunction,nftConntack,nftReference
syn keyword nftConntackDir original reply skipwhite nextgroup=nftConntack
syn keyword nftConntack contained state direction status mark expiration helper saddr daddr proto-src proto-dst label bytes packets avgpkt zone event secmark id skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference
syn keyword nftConntack contained protocol l3proto skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference,nftProtocols
syn keyword nftFunction meta skipwhite nextgroup=nftMetaQualified,nftMetaUnqualified
syn keyword nftMetaQualified contained length priority random secmark ibrpvid ibrvproto skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference
syn keyword nftMetaQualified contained nfproto l4proto protocol skipwhite nextgroup=nftProtocols,nftReference
syn keyword nftMetaUnqualified mark iif iifname iiftype oif oifname oiftype skuid skgid nftrace rtclassid ibrname obrname pkttype cpu iifgroup oifgroup cgroup ipsec secpath time day hour iifkind oifkind obriport ibriport skipwhite nextgroup=nftReference
" Statements
syn keyword nftTerminalStmt accept drop queue continue return
syn keyword nftTerminalStmt jump goto
syn keyword nftTerminalStmt dnat snat masquerade redirect skipwhite nextgroup=nftNatProto,nftNatTo
syn match nftTerminalStmt "queue\(\s*num\)\?"
syn keyword nftStatement log skipwhite nextgroup=nftLog
syn keyword nftStatement counter skipwhite nextgroup=nftCounter
syn keyword nftStatement limit skipwhite nextgroup=nftLimit
syn keyword nftLimit rate
syn match nftTerminalStmt "reject\(\s*with\)\?" skipwhite nextgroup=nftReject
syn keyword nftReject contained tcp icmpx icmp icmpv6 skipwhite nextgroup=nftRejectWith
syn keyword nftRejectWith contained type reset
syn keyword nftLog contained level prefix group flags level snaplen
syn keyword nftNat contained persistent fully-random random
syn keyword nftNatTo contained to skipwhite nextgroup=nftNat
syn keyword nftNatProto contained ip ip6 skipwhite nextgroup=nftNatTo
syn match nftCounter contained /packets\s*\d\+\s*bytes\s*\d\+/
" Colors
hi def link nftVariable Identifier
hi def link nftString String
hi def link nftComment Comment
hi def link nftContainer Statement
hi def link nftHeader Statement
hi def link nftCommand PreProc
hi def link nftOperator Operator
hi def link nftInclude Include
hi def link nftDefine Define
hi def link nftNumeric Number
hi def link nftAddress Constant
hi def link nftSynError Error
hi def link nftTerminalStmt Exception
hi def link nftRejectWith nftTerminalStmt
hi def link nftNatTo nftTerminalStmt
hi def link nftCounter Comment
hi def link nftReject Normal
hi def link nftSubStatement Operator
hi def link nftLog nftSubStatement
hi def link nftNat nftSubStatement
hi def link nftLabel Label
hi def link nftChainType nftLabel
hi def link nftChainHook nftLabel
hi def link nftChainPolicy nftLabel
hi def link nftChainPriority nftLabel
hi def link nftTableFamily nftLabel
hi def link nftSetType nftLabel
hi def link nftExtension Function
hi def link nftFunction Function
hi def link nftStatement Function
hi def link nftProtocol Function
hi def link nftRaw nftProtocol
hi def link nftSelector Operator
hi def link nftAh nftSelector
hi def link nftArp nftSelector
hi def link nftComp nftSelector
hi def link nftDccp nftSelector
hi def link nftEsp nftSelector
hi def link nftEther nftSelector
hi def link nftIcmp nftSelector
hi def link nftIcmpv6 nftSelector
hi def link nftIgmp nftSelector
hi def link nftIp nftSelector
hi def link nftIp6 nftSelector
hi def link nftSctp nftSelector
hi def link nftTcp nftSelector
hi def link nftUdp nftSelector
hi def link nftUdplite nftSelector
hi def link nftVlan nftSelector
hi def link nftNumgen nftSelector
hi def link nftFib nftSelector
hi def link nftTcpOption nftSelector
hi def link nftIpOption nftSelector
hi def link nftReference StorageClass
hi def link nftConntackDir Special
hi def link nftInterface Constant
hi def link nftConntack Operator
hi def link nftMeta Operator
hi def link nftMetaQualified nftMeta
hi def link nftMetaUnqualified nftMeta
let b:current_syntax = 'nftables'

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@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ augroup END
autocmd BufEnter *.py nmap <F5> :!python3 %<CR>
autocmd BufEnter *.py nmap <F9> :make<CR>
"Автообнаружение файла nftables
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile nftables.conf,*.nft,*/etc/nftables/* set filetype=nftables
"Кеймап для GCC
autocmd BufEnter *.c nmap <F5> :make<CR>